Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reflections on Oedipus, Lear, and Truth and Beauty... Oh My!

Oedipus Rex By: Sophocles
  • Tiresias was blind but he was the only one who told Oedipus the truth even though it wasn't pretty.

King Lear By: Shakespeare
  • Goneril and Reagan tried to beautify the truth by lying about how much they loved King Lear. This leads Lear to be persuaded by their flattery and exile the only daughter that truly loved him.
  • The Fool is the only one who can get away with telling Lear what the truth that he needs to hear. He does this by beautifying the truth, obscuring among many songs and riddles.
  • Edgar masks himself as a beggar because his father believes that in plotting against him, in reality, his half brother Edmund is conspiring against their father.

Truth and Beauty By Ann Patchett
  • The title says it all..
  • Lucy's disfigured face often stops people from seeing who she truly is.
  • Lucy likes to put on a great show to hide the fact that she is lonely.
  • Theme: The truth isn't always beautiful.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Personal Reflections

What has made your brain ask this big question?
I have been reading Truth and Beauty for my memoir and it has really raised questions about how beauty affects perception of truth.

How does your family, your community, your school, or your church respond when you ask this question?
I feel like many people would say that beauty doesn't matter, but in reality, the pursuit of beauty is a huge part of our culture. Americans spend a large amount of money in search of the perfect body, something that is unattainable.